Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bubble Tea

Today feels like a good day for rain. I hope it rains.

Last night I went to go see Eat Pray Love with mama and Nicole, as I mentioned previously. It was a really good movie, and it felt like there were little inside jokes in it just for me, since I'm not all that new to spirituality. Yeah, I cried. Whatever.

I'll probably just end up moping around the house today, seeing as I'm not in the best physical condition. I just want to rest. Physically and mentally. I wasn't worried yesterday, and today doesn't feel like worry either, just... disconnected. I guess. I think it makes me sad, but I'm too disconnected to tell. Interesting turn this has taken.

I'm moving up on my waitlists, and I'm almost in to 2 of the 3 courses. I'm full of (subtle and dormant) anticipation. I'm going to miss the summer when it's gone, and I'm afraid because it's almost at that point. Sigh.

I'll probably write later - If I stay inside, I'll be magnetically pulled back to this laptop. See ya.

1 comment:

  1. I am moping a bit, too. :) I called you but you are probably riding a bison somewhere.
