Sunday, April 17, 2011


I am so tired. Not even, though. I'm expanding and contracting and it feels like I'm stretching but I can't stretch the antsies out of my muscles. Except instead of my muscles it's my spirit. I'm guessing it may have something to do with the full moon, and instead of being restless in the sense of wanting to run and dance and exert myself physically, all I want is to watch meaningless television shows or mediocre movies with a warm arm draped around my shoulders.

It has to be the right one, though. And at this point, there's only one that would feel 'right'.
I'm going to make a photo diary one day, and it's going to be explicit. I was thinking of making it into a legitimate project for reals. Also I want to maybe publish this blog someday... I'm not quite sure who would buy it, though. And a lot of it's really vague.

Anyways, gotta go - computer's dying.
I love you.

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