Monday, January 18, 2010

Um num num.

Today was okay. Went to the majority of my classes. Went to Metro. Watched Rent. Cleaning room. Set up computer. Currently sitting on coffee table, in a little pain, and very comfy in my Star Wars t-shirt and black shorts. Slightly overheated. Slightly craving ice cream, or a swim, or a teeny tiny hug. PLBTBPLBTPLBTT.

Sometimes I forget I'm human and just don't like talking to other humans. Bee to the izarre. I think I have little bits of glass all over me - I accidentally smashed a beer bottle in here the other day. I didn't mean to, I was a little to relaxed, stretched my legs on the coffee table, and kicked it off. Yes, I do have a beer in my room whils-t watching a movie once in a while, no I am not an alcoholic. I like it. It's organic. And it's honeydew.

Yeah... now that I'm thinking about it, today was pretty dece. A little emotional here and there. But you know, whatever. It happens, that's life, whatever whatever. I'm not complaining. :)

So many unexpected things, lately. Some good, some bad. I wish I could elaborate but, dude... this is public.

My friend Amber turns 18 tmrw. My other friend Kiera turns 18 on the 31st. I feel so young, I just caught up to the 17 year olds, and there they go again, with their legally being able to buy porn and sex toys. Yipes.

I really should go and clean the other half of my room now. Oh, y'know something cool? Well I used to be super afraid of spiders, but, having my room in a basement all my life, I've been conditioned to not run upstairs and yell at mommy to kill is. Today I was moving a spare masterboard that I have, and yes, maybe I did squeal when I noticed there was a spider on it, but after I gasped, I apologized to it. As a reflex. Awwwtf?

...just sayin'.

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