Sunday, June 6, 2010


I have no doubt that my number of readers has wasted away to zero. I think I write on the interwebz as more of a self-expression thing than an "I want people to know my thoughts" thing.

Oh hey grad, how are you? Impending? Yes, I have days just like that. Please be kind to my already frazzled nerves. This week is grad spirit week though, which adds an element of hysterical, chaotic fun to the finality of it all. I guess. Oh man. Oh man oh man. As soon as I figure out high school, I'm kindly asked to leave. And now this real world business? I know, this is a very cliche fear. But it's reasonable, and that's why it seems so overdone.

I want a good movie, a tub of ice cream, and a box of kittens. That's all I ask of life.