Tonight was pretty wonderful - The lovely Jr. Improv team absolutely shone. I love you guys so much, you did great, even though you guys aren't gonna read this. I feel sort of bad we were being so obnoxious. I guess I just feel like an embarassing parent.
Tomorrow I've got an improv photograph, and a lunch with Grandma to get to.
Fingers crossed about somethin' else.
I'm feeling so many feelings but words can't describe them. It's like a longing to know the future or a longing to feel or a longing to dive headfirst into something I WANT. I want to want. I cannot force myself though. That would be... a mistake. That leads nowhere.
So far so good though.
I want to care. And I do.
Oh, how cryptic... Copyright. Haha. You wouldn't understand anyway.
I love you.

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