I know, I know I lied. I haven't been writing.
On Wednesday night, my improv team made it the finals, which are tomorrow night.
Sort of had a shitty morning, but it drastically improved after the dance show, which was awesome, and after coaching junior improv, which was entertadorable. Yeah, it's a word, whatever.
I feel like the subject of judgemental stares lately, but they're from the past. How cocky it can be, eh? Oh well. Tonight I shan't be doing much, just nerding out and watching movies by myself. I don't understand why being alone is so bad to the general public. It's not as if, by being alone, you are simply proving to yourself and others that you do not deserve/can't seem to find people to hang out with. I could, I just... I don't know. Won't go looking for it. I find you learn a lot about yourself when you aren't coaxed into acting a certain way around certain people in a certain environment. Everyone shifts and molds, but there's always the possibility to snap back into place like an elastic. I sort of like it. Not that I have an aversion to people or anything.
Oh well. I probably sound like a crazy old lady in the making by this point anyways. I do like cats...
Speaking of pets, I haven't gotten one yet. I was seriously considering a snake for a while, but you have to feed then baby mice. Absolutely nothing else but flesh. Yuck yuck.
Yes I am in the drama room, yes this is the class I'm meant to peer tutor. ...nothing new there!
More updates? Aight. Well I don't remember the last boy I was whining and pining over. Right now, I'm not really... yeah. I don't know. I believe I've grown out of going crazy over boys. As fun as it was... took WAY too long to leave in the past. ;)
Mom's good, but we had a fight today. And while I was mad I walked into a door.
I didn't start crying until I got to A block and ranted to Laura about it. I was laughing and crying while explaining how I forgot to turn the doorknob. It wasn't a bad day, in hindsight.
I get worried. I try not to, but I get worried about some of my friends. Some keep shifting in and out of that title, but I still worry about them too.
Oh, unknowable universe!

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